Casa degli Artisti
Corso Garibaldi 89/A
Via Tommaso da Cazzaniga
20121 Milano
Opening hours
7.4.2025: 10am–5pm
8–13.4.2025: 10am–8pm
Casa degli Artisti is a hub for artists in residence but also a place open to the public where they can visit exhibitions, listen to concerts, participate in performances, talks and workshops. As a cultural partner, the Casa degli Artisti shares the mission of the "House of Switzerland Milano" and promotes creativity and exchange between artists.
Come by metro
- Linea 2 (green)
Metro station Moscova
Come by tram
- Tram 2
P.le Negrelli – P.le. Bausan - Tram 12
Molise – Roserio - Tram 14
Cimitero Maggiore – Lorenteggio
Come by bus
- Bus 43
Piazza Firenze – Piazza Greco - Bus 57
N57 – Cairoli – Q.to Oggiaro - Bus 94
Cadorna FN – P.ta Volta