WWW (Women Work Wear)
Lena Bernasconi’s WWW (Women Work Wear) responds to the question, Are Objects Sexist? Exploring the gender bias that still exists in the manufacturing of certain items, these work pants are designed by and for women to help fill this gender gap. Offering a new aesthetic and levels of comfort, adaptability, protection and flexibility for women woodworkers, the work pants are also the result of an exchange of ideas through collaboration. Through interviewing women throughout the creative process, Bernasconi’s project embodies the experiences and perspectives of 25 women in a single garment.
Credits / Prototyping: Margot Jud / Experts and wearers of ill-fitting work pants: Nadège Gallay, Fanny Léa Sideris, Martha, Elena, Camille Fumat, Julie Giauque, Améline Martin, Dominique Cochard, Justine Estoppey, Fanny Haar, Susanna Pesko / ECAL staff: Maddalena Casadei, Nadège Gallay, Chiara Torterolo, Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard / Photography: Sofia Grytsiv / Models: Flavia Renaud, Camille Fumat / Contributors to my thesis research: Constance Rubini, Deodaat Tevaearai / Experts and wearers of ill-fitting PPE (Personal protective equipment): Elena, Tania, Florence, Florence Frei, Ludmila Heitz, Fannie Kneuss, Natacha
Growing up between Lugano, Bern and Lausanne, Lena Bernasconi went on to study Industrial Design at ECAL where she received a bachelor’s degree. Focused on creating objects that truly meet the needs of their users, her practice revolves around three key themes: relationship to the body, inclusivity and playfulness.