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Call for Applications

Artistic Direction

The House of Switzerland Milano is a joint project by Presence Switzerland (PRS) and the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia (PH). 

This three-year initiative (2023-2025) is a platform to present the ingenuity of Swiss design and its importance as a design nation during Milano Design Week. It is aimed at offering participants an international stage to build bridges between industry, press and general audience.


Built around a yearly theme, the House of Switzerland Milano (HoS) showcases Swiss design through a collective show with emerging designers, studios, universities, brands and galleries. 

House of Switzerland Milano 2025


For this edition, the theme will explore how collaboration nurtures design. 

The House of Switzerland Milano is by essence collaborative as it is bringing together a diversity of Swiss-related players under one roof. It is presenting design as the syntheses of a careful collaboration between a variety of ideas that intersects with functionality, interdisciplinary thinking and knowhow.  

The House is a platform for exchanges, it incubates and supports collaboration between different actors in and outside of the House, as well as seeks to relate with its context, the Design Week and the city of Milano. Your artistic direction concept should invite visitors to discover the presentation of the projects in the house as well as creating a space that invites for new starts. 


From international association, interdisciplinary initiatives, embracing diversity or simply fostering a spirit of togetherness, the House will present how collaboration unites individuals in pursuit of common goals. 

The open call for exhibitors will be launched in early September 2024. The exhibitors will be selected by an international jury as well as representatives from PRS and PH. Once again, the House of Switzerland Milano will set up at the Casa degli Artisti located in Brera, in the heart of Milano.



Artistic Direction Mandate


1. Scope


We are looking for a multidisciplinary team (scenographers, graphic designers, architects, photographers, ...) to develop an engaging and surprising global artistic direction (AD) to create a strong, credible, and coherent identity for the House of Switzerland Milano 2025 – both for the physical and digital space. The attractiveness and perception of the AD will play an active role to attract our target audience, industry professionals and press. The AD team must conceptualise and develop the identity and handle the project management throughout the production phases. 

The AD must consider the following principles:


  • Boldly embody the central missions and theme of the House of Switzerland Milano 2025
  • Consider the current global challenges and needs of our society i.e., inclusivity, sustainability, equitability, etc. in the conceptualisation of the project 
  • Consider the temporary character of such an event and define a a sustainable conceptualisation of the project through its life cycle
  • Have a high degree of variability while following a clear concept


2. Deliverables 


Visual communication: 

  • Conceptualisation of visual identity corresponding to the overarching theme with logo, fonts, templates, layouts etc.
  • Visual press campaign
  • Development of a communication system for: social media, Out-Of-Home campaigns, online campaigns, visuals, trailers, print, uniform etc.
  • Signage system
  • Project management and production management



  • Concept for:
    • Scenography, visitor experience and signage system for the house (outside and inside), including common spaces and links between different exhibitors who have their own scenography 
    • Eyecatcher on the outside façade of the building
    • 2-3 diverse exhibition areas (Emerging Talents, …)
  • Visitor flow and crowd management (waiting zone, etc)
  • Concept development and implementation with production partners on site
  • Technical drawing of all installations
  • Project management and production assistance


3. Budget


For all deliverables aforementioned, the mandate is remunerated: CHF 50’000.- (excl. VAT)

Important notice: To develop the AD concept, the team must consider the following budget points: 

1. The production costs of the scenography (incl. all scenography elements, signage, build-up and take down) must not exceed CHF 100'000.- (mandate not included). A Milan-based producer and builder will be appointed by PH / PRS.

2. The productions costs of the visual communication (incl. print production, videos, photography, etc.) must not exceed: CHF 20'000.- (mandate not included). The production can be partially done together with external suppliers


Eligibility criteria 


  • Application should be submitted as one team (with one main contact person)
  • Experience in similar projects is required (scope of work and budget, international, multiple clients, etc.) 
  • Portfolio must show an innovative approach to concept and creation
  • Applicants may submit their portfolio up to seven years after completing their studies or founding their studio
  • At least 50% of the participants must be either Swiss citizens or have permanent residency in Switzerland


Application timeline


Phase 01: Portfolio – 02 April to 12 May 2024

In the first part of the application, the teams must hand in a common portfolio, highlighting their work, their track record on similar projects and approach to visual communication and scenography. Based on this, 3 teams will be selected. This phase is not financially remunerated.

  • Application with portfolio, track record and team presentation 
  • Selection of 3 teams for pitching phase by mid-May

Deadline phase 01: 

12 May 2024 (11:59pm CET) – please fill in the following form.


Phase 02: Pitch – mid-May to 27 June 2024

In second part of the application, the selected teams will have approximately 4 weeks to prepare and develop a pitch presentation. The pitch presentation will be held on 27 June, between 09:00-13:00, in person with members of PRS and PH in Bern. This phase is remunerated with 3’000.00 CHF (excl. VAT) per studio.


  • Kick-off: Q&A with representatives from PH and PRS on 23.05.24 from 14:00-15:00
  • Pitch presentation must include:
    1. Visual communication concept to cost (see 2)
    2. Scenography concept to cost (see 2)
    3. Retroplanning and budget (see 3) 
  • Each team will get 20’ to present their proposition followed with a 20’ Q&A
  • Final selection of 1 team by early July

Deadline phase 02: 

Pitch deck is to be sent on 26 June by 5pm at the latest.

Pitch session is happening on 27 June 2024, between 9:00-13:00, in person in Bern. Each team will be informed about a 40’ time slot. Please reserve this date and time until further notice.


Phase 03: Mandate - July 2024 - April 2025

  • Visit of Casa degli Artisti (late Summer)
  • All mandate deliverables as listed above according to timeline and cost agreed on

In the final phase, the selected team will work on a paid mandate to conceptualise, develop, and oversee the Artistic Direction for the House of Switzerland Milano 2025. This phase is remunerated with 50’000.00 CHF (excl. VAT).


References and important documents


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Marie Mayoly – International platforms for Design at Pro Helvetia –


It was a pleasure to welcome you to the House of Switzerland Milano 2024!

See you next year at the Milano Design Week! Save the date: 7.–13. April 2025

What’s all about?

At the 2025 Milano Design Week, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and Presence Switzerland will once again showcase the wealth of Swiss-related talents from the world of contemporary design.Under the theme of “Collaboration” and how it nurtures design, the collective exhibition will bring together emerging designers, studios, universities, brands, and galleries.

While giving a physical platform to the Swiss design industry, the initiative seeks to give visibility and connect its players with the international design industry.

Do you want to join the 2025 edition?

The Open Call for projects will open at the end of Summer. Just as the previous years, the selection will be curated by an external jury.

Visit the 2024 edition
Visit the 2023 edition

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Casa degli Artisti
Corso Garibaldi 89/A
Via Tommaso da Cazzaniga
20121, Milano, IT

Opening hours
10am – 8pm


Presented by

In association with